THE SEX/GENDER OF THE FOETUS,one of the medical miracles:     
In the recent issue/August of the Journal of the Americal Medical Association(JAMA),medical researchers were able to find out  the sex/gender  of the baby at about 6 weeks pregnancy  through a test which analyses the foetal DNA,as the DNA will tell you if the baby is a boy or a girl?
 Medically we know today that at 6 weeks pregnancy,sex/gender of the baby is finally fixed( a boy or a girl),by the sudden gush of male hormones(Testosterone)  if ALLAH wanted the baby to be a boy(Y chromosomes in the DNA),otherwise if no male hormone is produced,   the baby is  normally  left to carry on  as a girl(X choromosomes in the DNA).

However, a Hadith/Saying by the  final Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) ,more than 1400 years ago, has stated this  new medical scientific discovery  of today, and which emphasized that at 6 weeks pregnancy ,ALLAH Almighty finally fix the sex/gender of the child:boy or a girl !



"When 42 nights(6 weeks) have passed over the Nutfa(fertilised egg/Nutfah Amshajj),ALLAH sends an angel to it who shapes it(human) and makes its hearing(ears),vision(eyes),skin,muscles(flesh) and bones,then he says: O Lord is it male or female?and your Lord decides( sex/gender of the baby) what He wishes and the angel records it"   (Ref: HADITH/ Sahih Muslim/Qadr)/Authentic Hadith

(See also  the famous book  on this matter:Brain sex )


More,in all textbooks on the medical science of Embryology(Development) which are taught in medical schools today do tell you that

at about 6 weeks pregnancy:

-The Embryo is shaped to look as human(from Embryo to Foetus)

-The beginning of the formation of the Ears/hearing

-                                //                    Eyes/vision

-                                //                    Skin

-                                //                    Muscles

-                                //                    Bones 


Plus the medical miracle of the finalisation of the sex/gender of the foetus at about 6 weeks pregnancy








Dr A.Majid Katme(MBBCH,DPM)


Spokesman: Islamic Medical Association/UK


Tel: 07944 240 622

E-mail address: akatme@hotmail.com









1-Fetal Gender Test Determines Sex Of Fetus At 7 Weeks Gestation

Editor's Choice
Academic Journal
Main Category: Pregnancy / Obstetrics
Also Included In: Pediatrics / Children's Health;  Genetics
Article Date: 09 Aug 2011 - 16:00 PDT

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A non-invasive test can tell whether a 7 week fetus is a boy or girl, researchers reported in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association). The authors say the test may help in the early diagnosis of genetic diseases on the X chromosomes, diseases that affect males only. Doctors today usually diagnose X-linked diseases before birth via amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, invasive tests that raise the risk of miscarriage.

The fetal gender test does not diagnose X-linked diseases. However, as it can determine the sex of the fetus early on, at 7 weeks, it could lead to a 50% reduction in the number of invasive tests for sex-specific diseases.

Dennis Lo led a research group in 1997 that demonstrated that fetal DNA is detectable in maternal blood very early during pregnancy via the presence of Y chromosome markers. Their findings have since been replicated several times by different research teams, at different stages of pregnancy. They used a variety of DNA markers and techniques and several sample types.

According to the authors, this is the only study to analyze the test's ability to correctly identify the sex of a fetus across all published reports.

This study provides the most compelling evidence so far of the test's overall ability to accurately identify fetal sex; it also detects variables that affect the performance of the test.

The study was performed by Diana Bianchi of the Mother Infant Research Institute, Tufts Medical Center, along with Joan Scott and Stephanie Devaney, formerly of the Genetics & Public Policy Center at the Berman Institute of Bioethics at Johns Hopkins University, and Glenn Palomaki of the Women & Infants Hospital.

The researchers found fetal DNA testing in maternal blood had an accuracy rate of 98.6% for female fetuses and 95.4% for males - across 68 published data sets.

They analyzed the following test characteristics:

  • DNA amplification method
  • Gestational age
  • Sample type
  • Y chromosome sequence
  • Year of publication

They found that gestational age and amplification method had the most effect on the performance of the test.

Tests carried out when the fetus was at least 20 weeks old, using a quantitative DNA amplification method (RTQ-PCR) performed the best. However, the authors stressed, reliable tests can be done with good accuracy at 7+ weeks' gestation. Urine tests, as well as those done before 7 weeks were unreliable.

Some internet sites offer 99% accurate non-invasive fetal sex tests as early as five weeks directly to consumers. Although not yet used in clinical practice in the USA, it is more widely offered in Europe.

The authors wrote:

"Clinical practices that adopt this test to identify fetuses at risk for a sex-specific condition should develop a protocol to validate the presence of fetal DNA in cases of negative results (the absence of Y chromosome). This will ensure that a negative result correlates with the presence of a female fetus and is not simply due to the absence of detectable DNA."

Written by Christian Nordqvist
Copyright: Medical News Today
Not to be reproduced without permission of Medical News Today








2-The £300 test that can tell a baby's sex just seven weeks after conception

By Matthew Kalman and Sophie Borland
Last updated at 10:31 PM on 1st November 2010  The Daily Mail

It's a girl! Campaigners fear finding out the sex of a baby as early as seven weeks could led to a rise in abortions

It's a girl! But campaigners fear finding out the sex of a baby as early as seven weeks could lead to a rise in abortions

Doctors have developed a blood test that enables mothers-to-be to learn the sex of their babies just seven weeks after conception.

Currently, women usually discover whether they are expecting a boy or girl at their second ultrasound scan, at around 20 weeks.

Many couples also decide they would rather not know until the birth.
But the simple £300 test – which causes no harm to the foetus – enables parents-to-be to find out three months earlier than the current test.

Campaigners in Britain are warning that discovering the sex at such an early stage in the pregnancy may encourage some women to abort their unborn child if they find out it is not the sex they were hoping for.

In some cultures there is pressure on mothers to give birth to boys so they continue the family line. Parts of Africa and Asian countries such as India, China and South Korea have high abortion rates of female foetuses.
The test, reportedly already available in parts of the U.S., Israel and some European countries, checks for the male ‘Y’ chromosome from the unborn child’s DNA which can be detected in the mother’s blood.

Male cells contain a pair of XY chromosomes while female cells contain XX. If there is a Y chromosome detected in the mother’s blood, then doctors know it is a boy, if not it is a girl.

The test has proved to be 99 per cent accurate in its published trials.

Dr Esther Guetta, of the Sheba Medical Centre near Tel Aviv, which is offering the test to patients, developed the technique as a research tool to check for genetic diseases, such as the blood disorder haemophilia.


She said: ‘The sex can be detected very early, from at least the seventh week of pregnancy – and even earlier, according to several studies.

She added: ‘If a woman wants and can afford the test, you could say it would be unethical to prevent her from getting it.’

The technique has sparked an ethical debate because even though couples can already discover the sex of their baby at the 20-week scan, by this stage it would be very late for them to opt for an abortion simply on the grounds of sex.

In suspense: Currently parents have to wait until their 20 week scan if they want to know if they're having a boy or girl

In suspense: Currently parents have to wait until their 20 week scan if they want to know if they're having a boy or girl

Josephine Quintavalle, founder of the pro-life Comment on Reproductive Ethics group, said: ‘The easier it is to find out the sex of the child, the earlier a woman can decide to take action. There have long been problems of gendercide in countries such as India and China where female foetuses are aborted. This test could encourage it.’

One gynaecologist, who wished to remain anonymous, said: ‘Performing the test at such an early stage opens up an immoral and unethical choice to couples interested in a baby of a specific sex to abort the pregnancy and try again.’

But a spokesman for the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, which provides counselling for unplanned pregnancy, said: ‘For those parents who carry recessive disorders that will only affect a child of one sex, such a test might allow them to decide at an earlier stage whether to continue the pregnancy.

‘There is no evidence that women are opting for abortion on the grounds of gender in this country, and little to suggest that were a test available in the earlier stages of pregnancy that many would make use of it in view of opting for a termination.

‘At BPAS we believe women can be trusted to make the ethical decisions that are right for them. Good laws allow women to do this.’

Professor Abraham Steinberg, director of the Center for Medical Ethics in Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem, said: ‘This is certainly a dilemma.

‘We must remember that the foetus’s sex is not considered a legitimate reason for an abortion, so those who want to do so will have to do it illegally.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1325672/The-300-test-tell-babys-sex-just-seven-weeks-conception.html#ixzz147AWTgyE